Proof God exists – The Amazing Coffee Bean

This small, pale green seed is powerful.  I believe this seed testifies to the existence of God.  It testifies that God is full of joy, creativity and takes pride in his creation.  Created to be enjoyed.  I can’t think of a food or beverage more impactful and popular than coffee.  Even those that don’t enjoy drinking coffee typically love the unmistakable aroma.  Tiny joy.

For starters, the miracle of life amazes me.  Throw this dense, little bean in some soil and it will come to life.  Sprout into a tree that will produce a limitless amount of fruit.  That one seed which weighs less than 1 gram can produce a forest of coffee trees.  Life sprouting from a seed is a stone cold miracle!  As a seed, this bean is no different than a grape or apple seed, and it’s no more amazing than the seed that quickly spread weeds across my front lawn.  The real magic, the creativity of God, comes out when this bean is roasted.

Roasting is sort of like a concentrated form of baking.  A roasted coffee bean will go from room temperature to 400 plus degrees in about 10 to 12 minutes.  Roasting creates a chemical reaction within the bean and it literally explodes with aroma and flavor.  Called “first crack”, it’s the moment coffee beans change from a dense, tasteless seed to a flavorful, aromatic bean.  Roasting can stop at first crack as a light roast coffee, continue on to a medium or dark roast coffee, or go even further and possibly be served at charbucks.  As a roast moves on from first crack, sugars caramelize and flavors will go from bright, sweet & juicy to balanced, chocolaty & spice like.  The number of flavor possibilities within coffee is mind-boggling.  In order to help describe all of them, the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) developed a flavor wheel for taste and aroma.  Counter Culture Coffee took the flavor wheel to the next level.  Some of the major categories include floral, fruit (citrus, tropical, stone, berry & dried), chocolate, sweet & sugary, nut, grain & cereal, roast and spice.  The variety, elevation, soil conditions, sun vs. shade grown, and even the process of removing the bean from the cherry will contribute to the flavor possibilities both good and bad.

Most of us coffee nerds spend a lot of time focusing on these variables.  Much ink has been spilled over what variety and region is best.  Is wet processed better than natural or honey processed?  What roast profile brings out the best of a particular bean?  And don’t get us started on the best way to brew!  The talents of the farmer, processer, roaster and barista are most certainly important, even critical, to a great cup of coffee.  But, we need to remember that each professional is simply working to unlock all that flavor and potential already inside that small, pale green seed.

This incredible, flavorful, tiny joy is no accident.  It’s too complex and detailed to happen by chance.  It’s creative genius.  God’s fingerprint.

We all have so many options when it comes to our daily cup of coffee. We have an obligation to slow down and be intentional with our choices.

Global coffee sales in 2022 was over $125 billion!  And, it’s ONLY grown in the coffee belt, the area between the tropic of Cancer & Capricorn.  So those who have access to these beans (farmer, roaster & barista/shop/cafe), have something special, valuable and in demand.  Each has a decision to make starting with the farmer.  How are we going to use this powerful bean?

The San Lazaro farm in Honduras has been intentional, thoughtful, and fair.  The farm is owned/operated by the non-profit Mission Lazarus.  All the farm employees are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. 

This little bean provides full time employment for 20 women in Honduras.  Including the farm manager.

It has…

-provided a path for women to leave abusive relationships

-provided means for multiple workers to build homes

-created opportunity for a worker to attend university